Sewing Room Decorating Ideas

Design Tips How-To's

A sewing room is a functional working space where most sewers spent their time doing their beloved projects.  Mostly it is a busy space full of machines, tools, materials, notions and fabrics.

Here are some of the decorations that may be added to make the sewing room more inspiring and organized.

1. Wall Decal
A peel-and-stick decal is easy to use and apply to a blank wall to make it interesting and stylish.  Check out these sewing theme decals that will look perfect in any sewing room.

2. Wall Clock
Wall clock is an essential thing in any sewing room. It is ideal to track the time spent in a project. Though in reality  most sewers who are so engrossed in the project they are making seemed lost in time. It is fun also to note and quite fulfilling if the project is finished in a short span of time. A sewing inspired wall clock makes tracking time joyful to look at and will add statement to any sewing room.

3. Hanging Storage Bag/Basket
A busy place like the sewing room is efficient to the user if it is organized. And to make a place organized there should be a designated places for everything. This sewing machine themed  hanging storage bags/baskets are stackable and can be hang to the wall and to the door, or at the sides of cabinets and tables. Not only they are functional but decorative as well!

4. Pillows with Sewing Machine Theme Cover
A pillow behind a sewer resilient back for support is always a welcome comfort. It is nice to lean into a soft pillow while doing small mending or doing some stitch ripping! (Hoping not much-finger crossed). It is functional and looked good on chairs, couch and the sewing theme cushion/pillow cover will add a stylish homey feel to any sewing room!

All of the suggested items in the above list are inexpensive and will instantly style up your sewing room!

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